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Saving Lives - Home Fire Safety Tips

 Wood Burners Kingston upon Hull may be the only species that has harnessed the power of fire. It's discovery was one of the greatest advances in the history of civilization. Fire can be used for warmth, cooking and energy creation. It has a large number of aesthetic applications, aswell. Fire is becoming so much part of our daily lives that people often take it's power for granted. Fire is a variety of things, but most of all we must remember that it really is dangerous and should be respected. Nearly 80% of most fire fatalities in the usa occur within the home. Residential fires kill typically 5,000 people a year. Yet another 21,000 folks are injured annually. A fire, uncontrollable, can have devastating effects. An understanding of fire safety can literally save your life. Reduce your likelihood of you, or your loved ones, friends and neighbors of becoming a statistic by sticking with the following tips. Install smoke alarms and change the batteries twice each year. Keep matches, lighters and candles away from children. Keep children from stoves, fireplaces, or other resources of fire. Usually do not empty ashtrays in to the trash without inspecting. Careless smoking is a leading cause of fire. Be very careful when using candles. Usually do not leave them unattended and do not go to bed while they are still burning. Also usually do not place candles near drapes or other flammable materials. Do not overload electrical outlets and extension cords. Work with a power strip instead. Remove flammable materials from the region around your stove. Remove flammable liquids from the area around your stove or other heat source. Do not place electrical cords under rugs or behind radiators. Never nail or staple electrical cords to walls or molding. Never place portable space heaters near bedding, drapes, furniture or anything else which could potentially catch fire. Design a fire escape plan for your household and also have drills so that everyone understands the procedure. Keep your basement, storeroom and attic free of rubbish, oily rags, newspapers, mattresses, etc. Never start fires in stoves or fireplaces with kerosene or other flammable liquids. Make sure your entire electrical appliances and devices are UL listed. If you use babysitters, instruct them on which to do in case of fire. Keep a portable fire extinguisher in your house. Hopefully you will never have to use it, but it is an excellent and smart investment. In case of a fire, early notification is key. Call 911 immediately. Remain calm and give the operator your location and any information requested. A knowledge of fire safety can save your home, your possessions as well as your life. When used responsibly, fire is really a remarkable tool. When its power isn't respected the results can be devastating. Follow these simple tips to help protect yourself as well as your family.

Wood Burners Kingston upon Hull